Gadget Nation

Have you ever heard of bird diapers? Interested in a talking toilet paper dispenser? What about a motorized ice cream cone? A handle for carrying your turkey around the kitchen? Looking for a Kosher Lamp? These aren't gag gadgets from some lame late night talk show skit. They are actual, real products that you can buy today. Maybe you already have?

Americans love their gadgets--and Gadget Nation ( takes you behind the scenes and introduces you to the men and women who have spent countless hours and money, (in some cases cashing in their 401(k)), trying to turn their gadget idea into a gadget bonanza. Author Steve Greenberg, dubbed The Innovation Insider, travels the country seeking out clever off-beat new products. His journey through the underbelly of American invention has brought him face to face with hundreds of garage inventors. Steve has spent years exploring and observing this often bizarre slice of Americana. And while most of us might look at these products and wonder, "Why didn't I think of that?" Steve will tell you why these people did.

Featuring more than 100 quirky innovations from garage inventors across the nation, this visual showcase captures America's can-do spirit and creative energy. Sure, there are some scary examples of gadgets that have gone terribly wrong, but others will amaze you, and still others will make you laugh. One fascinating aspect of each story is learning which inventors have achieved some degree of financial success. In this world, logic doesn't enter into the equation. A product that most people might look at and think, "Who needs that?" might be raking in millions and yet another product that seems truly ingenious might be drowning in red ink.

Every inventor dreams their invention will be the next the Thigh Master™, Chia Pet™, Hairagami™, or Pocket Fisherman™. Sure, we all love our gadgets--and after reading Gadget Nation, you will start developing a deep affection for the inventors behind those gadgets.

Gadget Nation is available at area bookstores and on-line. For more information, visit or

About Steve Greenberg

Steve Greenberg is an invention groupie. Born into a family of patent filers, Steve has always respected and praised America's inventors. It was that fascination that caused Steve to write a book about garage inventors. Steve travels the country looking for innovative products. That's why he has been dubbed "The Innovation Insider."

For three years, Steve demonstrated innovative products on the Discovery Channel's Your New House. For six years Steve was on HGTV's very popular DreamBuilders, traveling the country showcasing the latest in home design, construction and trends. For 5-years, HGTV also used Steve's reporting skills to cover the hottest new home improvement products at NAHB's International Builders Show. Steve has also been a judge for Hammacher-Schlemmer's Search for Invention Contest.

Steve writes for several magazines, newspapers and websites. His "Innovation Insider" features appear in the Miami Herald, ROOMS magazine, Smart Homeowner magazine, Backyard Living,, Log Home Living, and others.


  • Boomwackers

  • Clocky

  • The Slanket

  • Wordlock

  • Diaperbridge

  • Motorized Ice Cream Cone

  • Aquariass

  • Johnny Light

  • Pak Kap

  • Smittens

  • Cup-O-Cake

  • My Pet Fat

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