Mom loses custody over 3-year-old's marijuana treatment

Thursday, November 10, 2016
Mom charged after giving marijuana to sick child
Natalie Kelsey says she lost her children after a decision related to cannabis

BOISE, Idaho -- Natalie Kelsey Osborne says her world was shattered after a decision she made to treat her 3-year-old daughter with cannabis.

The little girl was suffering from seizures and hallucinations after coming off a prescription anti-psychotic medication.

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Osborne said little Madyson responded to a treatment which included a smoothie made with marijuana butter, KBOI-TV reports.

Now she has lost custody of her two children after CPS placed them with her ex-husband.

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Osborne can only have supervised visitation with the children, a fact she says is heartbreaking.

"It tore me apart," Osborne said. "I didn't ever think that it would come down to this but it did."

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The mother is facing a misdemeanor count of injury to a child, a charge she says she is going to fight.

"I'm not going to stop. I won't stop," Osborne said. "If it takes me two years, then it's going to take me two years."

Osborne has another fight on her hands, as well. She was seen rallying in front of the Department of Health and Welfare, calling for medicinal marijuana reform.

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The department says for now, the law is the law, and that marijuana is illegal. Their main concern, they say, is for the safety of children.

In Idaho, medicinal marijuana is only legal for a small group of children suffering from epilepsy for now.

Those enrolled have to go through several tests before they are approved for such treatment.

Osborne's children, they say, was not on such a list.

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