CHICAGO -- Carl Miller, 17, and his grandfather are on a mission to meet all of the 2016 presidential candidates. They've almost reached their goal.[br /][br /]The Downers Grove team had a unique technique. [url HREF="" TARGET="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW"]Carl creates signs[/url] specific to each candidate to try to grab their attention.[br /][Ads /][br /]He has also gotten the attention of local newspapers. [url HREF="" TARGET="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW"]The Chicago Tribune[/url] and [url HREF="[br /]" TARGET="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW"]Daily Herald[/url] have written about him.[br /][br /]Carl's latest try came Tuesday night. He and his grandfather went to Milwaukee to watch the debates and get more photos and signatures.[br /][br /]He is very passionate about politics. Carl gets that from his family. When he grows up, he wants to go into constitutional law.[br /]