Caught on camera: Video shows car intentionally 'dooring' cyclists in targeted attacks, group claims

Tuesday, February 14, 2023
OAKLAND, Calif. -- Cyclist groups in Northern California say their members are being targeted by drivers.

The incidents allegedly took place in Oakland, Berkeley and Emeryville. Surveillance video released by East Bay Bike Party shows one car driving right next to two cyclist, then the passenger door opens trying to hit them.

"Some of the people said that they were being intentionally rammed from behind to be knocked over," said Charlotte Hryse, one of the main volunteers with EBBP. "In total, about 14 people said they were targeted, maybe about eight people sustained some injuries and two people were hospitalized."

They say some of those incidents occurred on Friday night at their latest gathering.

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"Some reported issues getting to our meet up location at Rockridge," Hryse said. "Other reported issues leaving but we definitely feel targeted. One of the victims said those in the car laughed as they hit the cyclist."

Others reported having close calls.

"This car crossed the line to buzz me," said Lizzie Siegel, who was at Friday's bike gathering. "To me, that was targeted. After bike party, the feeling was that was a reminder that it is not always safe."

EBBP says they have reported some of these incidents to police. We reached out to the city's various departments and we haven't heard back. Hryse says their focus is talking to local city councils to improve bike lane safety.

"The real answer is getting the infrastructure in the streets to be built in a way where you can't have that violent conflict as easily," Hryse said. "There isn't much we can do to avoid something that intentional."
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