Treating hair loss, doctor shares personal experience

Wednesday, February 23, 2022
It's a problem many people face as they age: hair loss. And for some, it happens younger than others.

Dr. William Yates says his hair started thinning in high school. After attending medical school, he became a cancer surgeon and a trauma surgeon.

Eventually, he decided to have a hair transplant and that caused him to change careers.

"I thought I looked better with hair," said Dr. Yates. "It made a difference in my life."

He says genetics can impact anyone's hair loss.

But for Black women, there can often be other causes, like hair styling.

"Tight braids on the sides or edges, or tight braids on the crown, or relaxers, that seems to cause a lot of havoc.

There are treatments available. Dr. Yates says the first thing to do, is stop the styling that may be causing the problems. Then, he recommends seeking medical advice.
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