Former Channahon gymnastics coach convicted of sexually assaulting teen girl

Tuesday, June 7, 2022
JOLIET, Ill. (WLS) -- A jury convicted a former Channahon girls' gymnastics coach Monday of sexual assault against a female teenage gymnast, according to a press release from Will County State's Attorney James Glasgow.

The jury found Jose Vilchis, 71, guilty on eight counts of criminal sexual assault in less than two hours following the four-day trial.

The abuse occurred while Vilchis was a coach at I&M Gymnastics in Channahon in 2013 and 2014. The prosecutors presented further evidence of Vilchis engaging in other sexual crimes against female minors dating back to 1997.

Vilchis is expected to return to court August 24. Vilchis faces up to 120 years in prison.
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