Meet Light Phone 2, the social media-free anti-smartphone that could be a good choice for kids

Sunday, March 11, 2018
NEW YORK -- As phones get flashier with better cameras, higher-resolution displays and more apps than ever, could an uber-simple device be a game-changer for our technology-loving society?

The team behind Light Phone thinks so, and their minimalist device is getting a lot of attention for eschewing standard conventions of cell phone design and function. Their product comes with a black-and-white matte screen and a stripped-down set of features that's more on par with a phone designed in 1998 than one from 2018.
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The newly announced model follows in the footsteps of the original Light Phone, which was an even more pared-down telephone capable of making and receiving calls.

While still extremely minimalist, the Light Phone 2 has added features like text messaging and an alarm clock. The team behind the phone says they are mulling adding additional features like GPS directions, ride-sharing services, weather forecasts and music.

They pledge, however, to never add social media, advertising, email or news apps to the phone.
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While the idea might seem like sacrilege to some, it's resonating with a group of nearly 3,000 backers who have contributed more than $800,000 to the project's Indiegogo campaign.

Among those who could benefit from the stripped-down device are parents who want their children to have a phone but also want to protect kids from the dangers of the internet.

"The lack of internet browser and social media alleviates a lot of fears in parents. Unlike a flip phone, however, to children the Light Phone is still seen as 'cool' amongst their peers," Light co-founder Joe Hollier told ABC News. "We have been working with parents on the idea of a parental app to support their child's Light Phone 2 as well."
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