Joan and her final three men headed to Tahiti! It's a dream location. She heads to Moorea, and Joan said it's the most beautiful place she's ever been. Joan boards a cruise ship to see the islands in style. Oh my, are all the men on there at once? Hiding out until it's their turn? This should be interesting.
Gina: If you're wondering if I'm jealous that they are in Tahiti, a spot that's been on my travel bucket list for decades, I can tell you that yes, I am jealous. But happy for you, Joan!
Nancy Arrives
Joan said she was feeling very alone in the process when suddenly, Nancy from "The Golden Bachelor" showed up! Joan was elated! She cried happy tears. Joan filled Nancy in on her final three. She described Guy as very handsome and says she can see a life with him. She worries that Guy's feelings are a little ahead of her. Joan said that Pascal lives life big, just like her husband did. She admitted to Nancy that she finds his swagger sexy. She thinks his feelings are behind hers though. Chock makes Joan feel safe and sexy and she revealed to Nancy that he's an amazing kisser. Chock also whispered the L word but she worries he might be too good to be true.

Joan cried as she talked about letting love into her life again. It's emotional for her to feel like she's moving on from John, who she misses greatly. Nancy also lost her husband and told Joan she wasn't wrong for what she was feeling, but that it was time to put herself first. "Lonely is not a place you stay, lonely is a place you walk through," Nancy said. Wow, I love that.
Gina: It was a great line, something we should all take to heart when we are feeling lonely. Also, how amazing is it to have a friend show up when you need them the most? By the way, it made me smile earlier when Joan said that she knows how difficult it is for Nancy to drop her life, but I'm thinking that if the show called and said, "Hey, we need you to go to Tahiti for a few days," it might make it a little easier! Nancy did tell Joan she'd stay for a few days if she needed her to and, yeah. I would too!
Guy's Fantasy Date
Joan's first date was with Guy. Guy said he had missed Joan and hadn't seen her since hometowns. He feels like he's young and in love again. Joan and Guy got on a little boat and drank champagne as they explored the island. She told him that she loved meeting his family, especially his kids. "I can tell you my kids, and my sisters adored you," Guy said. Joan said that she's had revelations about her heart that have surprised her too. Joan definitely is speaking in generalizations while he is being specific. Guy told her that he is ready for love, and he loves the way that their lives are aligned. Joan said she felt comfortable and that they are ready to enjoy life as a couple.
On that note, they jumped into the water and did some snorkeling. It was beautiful! They saw some amazing sea life and Joan had a great time. "We are there now," Joan said. "Guy would be a great partner to go on the second life journey." She feels like it's making it harder because she has two other great guys waiting for dates with her.
Gina: I love that they could both admit that they didn't think they could feel the way they do again. And here they are, as Joan says, taking this big leap.
Chock Talks To Jesse
Chock spoke with Jesse about how nervous he is about this process. Chock admitted that he's in love with Joan. He's scared because he's really invested at this point. He knows he has tough competition with some great guys. He worries that Joan could bond more with these other guys now that she has a full day with each of them. Chock is willing to take the risk and even said that he's ready to be engaged to Joan.
Gina: I know the Chock haters say he's coming on too strong, but he's a guy in love. You can't blame him for wanting it to be him in the end and for being open with his feelings.
Guy's Dinner with Joan
Back on Guy's date, Joan said that he had caught up to the other two men. She said it was one of her best days ever. (Side note, I love Joan's outfit and especially her necklace on this date) Joan told Guy that she could really picture a future with him vividly now where she couldn't fully before. "I'm more than hopeful," Guy said. It reassured him that they picked up right where they had left off. "It was easy," Joan said.
Joan then said that she put a lot of thought into fantasy suites, and while she wants the time off camera with Guy and the other men, she isn't going to do the physical part of it with any of them right now. She's waiting for her final person. Joan feels it's the right thing to do. Guy really respected her decision. "Could you say something wrong?" he joked. Guy felt that intimacy at each age is different, but what's more important is the emotional part of it. "You know how to make me feel special," Guy said. "Well, you are special," Joan said. With that, Joan presented Guy with the Fantasy Suite card for "additional time alone." Of course, he accepted and they headed off to the bungalow.
The next morning, Guy walked alone on the beach and said he felt great. He felt as though he and Joan were on the same level and liked where they left things.
Gina: I love Guy's take on intimacy being different at different stages in life because it's very true. But, even though they did seem to catch up on the other relationships, is it enough? It seems like it could be, but we will see.
Chock's Fantasy Date
It was Chock's turn for a fantasy date with Joan. They met up and gushed over how much they missed each other. She just seems "lighter" around him. They got into an ATV and Chock took Joan for a ride, but he made sure her helmet was on tight first. He really is a caring guy! He glowed as he drove Joan around the island. Joan told him to go faster! She said she felt wanted and cherished and loved. Wow. "This could be our life. It's fun to picture a life with him," Joan said. As they sat and drank champagne at a picnic spot, they kissed and Chock gushed about how much he cares about Joan.
Gina: They really do make a lovely couple. When I met him at the Disneyland date, he told me he is an adrenaline junkie, so getting an ATV date seems right!
Back on the cruise ship, they dressed up for dinner. Chock said that he's been through a divorce and a death and he had been afraid to reveal his feelings, but he's putting it all out there. Joan told Chock that fate is figuring things out just the way she wanted. Chock said that as soon as he saw her it reassured her with how he feels about her and their relationship. He wants to take things to the next level. "I felt we were the right couple from day one," Chock said. "I've grown to appreciate you and love you even more." Joan said that the Disney date really helped her connect and bond to him. He said that seeing Joan cry at his mother's memorial made him realize how much she meant to him. "I don't think you would hurt me," Joan said. "I will not," Chock reassured her.
She presented him with the fantasy suite card and explained her feelings about it. Joan read the card to him because he didn't wear his glasses. Chock respected Joan's feelings of course and he was excited to be able to talk to her off-camera. I'm guessing that doesn't mean that there won't be kissing, because they can't seem to stop!
The next day, Chock had his glasses back on and was journaling about his night with Joan. He said he was tired, but he had a smile on his face. Chock refused to say what happened inside the fantasy suite. He said if Joan wants to talk about it, she's welcome to. He said that he could totally see himself getting engaged to Joan. He knows she cares for him and he said it's another step in the journey.
Gina: Gentlemen who journal, gotta love it. Also, I do love them as a couple. I think out of everyone, they really do mesh well together.
Pascal's Fantasy Date
Joan was very excited to see Pascal. She was pretty in pink! She hoped that his walls would continue to come down as he told her at the rose ceremony the week before.
Pascal told Jesse that being in Tahiti was on his bucket list. Pascal revealed that he was almost engaged a year before this show. He said he's having a tough time rebuilding himself after that experience. "Deep down I'm hurting," he said. Through tears, he talked about taking care of himself and being in survival mode. "The Pascal I know is very kind and he loves his children," Jesse said. Aw!
Gina: Jesse Palmer, the supportive king. Also, I think this explains a lot about why Pascal's walls have been up with Joan.
Joan and Pascal met up on the beach and visited a Polynesian village. There were hula dancers, they were given leis and were taking part in a traditional wedding ceremony. They ate a traditional feast and Pascal explained it to her because they all spoke French there! It made him feel very comfortable! It was funny as they tried to figure out if they were eating chicken or rooster. Joan loves Pascal's adventurous side.
Pascal thought it was a fun, light, no-pressure day, and then they came upon a bonding ceremony. The priest blew on a conch shell and it definitely had a serious vibe. They waded into the water, and washed away their fears. He felt a bit in shock. He was trying really hard to feel ok about everything. They both had the fear of starting over. Joan said she felt like her heart was completely open. Then they were tied together with leaves and bonded together. Pascal had the look of a guy who got tricked into getting married. Wouldn't it be hilarious if they were? Like, surprise guys, you're married! They weren't, they were just bonded, but it wasn't the light-hearted date he was hoping for. He's not ready.
Gina: You could see his entire demeanor changed during that ceremony! But the thing is, at this point in the journey, did he think it was only going to be fun? The next step is a possible engagement. He had to know that being in the final three meant something more than just fun.
They ferried back to the cruise ship separately, probably because Joan was getting beautified for the evening part of their date. Joan looked stunning, but Pascal said he didn't know what to do, but he would have to tell her where he was emotionally. He told Joan about his past love and how he got hurt. He said he thought "The Golden Bachelorette" would be a fun time and he didn't think he would even last very long. Joan giggled when he said he wasn't a fighter, but a lover. Joan said that he reminds her a lot of her late husband in how he embraces life. She said she doesn't want a replacement, but she wants to go have fun.
Pascal Says He's Not in Love
Pascal reeled her back in and said he got scared with the ritual because he's having a difficult time letting go of the past and he does care about Joan. "I don't think I could get to the place where you want me to be," Pascal said. Joan asked if he would ever be ready. "I know what love is," Pascal said. "I care about you as a friend, but I'm not in love, and I just can't be there and it's hurting me." He added that he didn't have a spark with her and that he was sorry. "I'm what we call damaged goods," Pascal added. He just was not ready. "I wish you were ready, but if you are not, you're not," Joan said.
Gina: Oof, that was difficult. Hearing it that way, so blunt made my heart hurt.
She cried because things were not going how she expected. He told her that he cared very much about her. Pascal could see that she was not OK. "I just want to go," Joan said to him with tears in her eyes. Pascal said that he was not ok either. He hates hurting people. He said he felt terrible that he hurt Joan. They hugged and gave each other kisses. He reassured her that he was a phone call away if she wanted to talk. They even told each other that they loved each other, seemingly as friends, bonded over this "Golden Bachelorette" experience.
Gina: I will always wonder why, if Pascal knew he wasn't in love or didn't think he could get there, that he would continue on to the final three and not self-eliminate. Did he think that it was going to get easier for Joan somehow? Because at this stage in the game, no decisions are easy. I mean, she got emotional after the first rose ceremony when she had to send people home!
Pascal got on the ferry and was shuttled away from the cruise ship immediately. Joan said she felt like a failure. "I might leave with nobody," Joan said. "It could happen." Did she really think Pascal was the one? She seemed to really connect with Chock and Guy. Maybe she's worried that others could bow out. Quick, someone get Nancy! She'll get our girl back in the game!
Coming Up
Guy is crying, Chock said there's a problem, and they are setting the stage for an interesting finale. But before we see that, it's the best Men Tell All ever! These guys are fabulous! I can't wait to see what Gina says about her time attending the taping!
Gina: This should not be surprising to anyone who listens to our podcast, but I have a lot of Men Tell All thoughts!
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