
Tips to avoid weight gain over the holidays with Vitalife Weight Loss Program's Davis Jaspers

Tuesday, September 25, 2018
This segment is produced with and sponsored by Vitalife Weight Loss.

Did you know the average person gains anywhere from 11 to 16 pounds over the holidays?
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It's hard to lose weight during the holidays, but there are things you can do to maintain the weight you are so you'll have a head start for your New Year weight loss resolution!

Vitalife Weight Loss Program creator and founder Davis Jaspers stopped by WCL to give us those tips and he introduce us to one of his weight loss successes. Ed Kerfin lost nearly 80 pounds and his wife Michelle lost 47 pounds!

Hear their journey and how the Vitalife Weight Loss Program can help with chronic health conditions.

Visit the Vitalife Weight Loss Program for their WCL special: https://www.vitalifeweightloss.com/

Or call 1-844-988-THIN

Davis' tips for keeping off weight during the holidays: This year for the holidays remember to "Celebrate the holidays RIGHT."
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REMEMBER the holidays are about people not food.
IGNORE the candy/cookie jar.
GET your food in at normal meals don't GRAZE.
HAVE HEALTHY food before a big celebration meal.
TAKE TWENTY minutes before reaching for that second helping.