Make the fashion, not the fitness the focal point. Outfitting your student in stylish gear will not only increase their chances of being awarded "Best Dressed", but will make them more likely to participate in the activity that corresponds to that outfit. Cathy says, look for
Play to your child's strengths
So what if your kid doesn't run to the paper to read the box score! Offer your tech-savvy student a challenge that is fun for them by incorporating gadgets and technology into their wardrobe.
Specialist or Multi-tasker?
Is your student athlete a modern Bo Jackson, Deion Sanders or Michael Jordan playing a variety of sports or are they dedicated to one sport in particular?
Cathy suggests the following gear from
Prices range from $20 to $150
Converse Chuck Taylor All Stars Satin
Nike Prestige HI
Adidas SuperStar Trefoil
Pastry Glam Pie Blackberry
Apple Bottom Hi Top
Nike Shox Navina in Silver Sparkle
Asics GT 2130
Nike + Sport kit
Puma Bags (2)
Nike Bag (1)
Fit Flop
Lady Foot Locker Graphic T's
Mission Skincare