(Press Release)
A 5-kilometer race and walk will be held Sunday, Sept. 21 on a runway set to open soon at O'Hare International Airport. Called 9 Left/27 Right, the 7,500-foot-long runway is on the north airfield and is the first O'Hare runway built since 1971. The runway opens to air traffic in November. The run/walk is part of "Community Day." You don't have to take part in the race/walk to enjoy the festivities. The "Community Day" starts at 9 a.m. and runs until 3 p.m. The race is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. Free parking for the event will be available at the airport's economy parking lot G. Free Admission, Food from O'Hare Restaurants, Entertainment, Family and Kids Activities, Walk & Photo Op on the new Runway for the visitors.
The focus of the interview will be this fun event... and the opportunity to hang out on a new runway... but you can certainly ask Ms. Andolino about the modernization project and what this new runway will mean to Chicago/O'Hare travelers once it opens to air traffic in November.
More details can be found online at www.chicagoevents.com , egov.cityofchicago.org/webportal/COCWebPortal/COC_ATTACH/OMP_COMMUNITY_DAY_FLYER.pdf and www.oharemodernization.org