Alleged cop impersonator accused of car theft

May 5, 2009 (CHICAGO) The 15-year-old, who is not being identified because he is a minor, was arrested after he crashed his car while trying to escape from police last week.

The teen was placed on electronic monitoring following the police impersonation allegations in January. In light of the second incident, he was taken into custody.

Kamal Said, a used car salesman, said he had no reason to be suspicious of the potential buyer who walked into his South Side lot last Friday.

"He came to my office and said, 'I want to buy one of these cars.' I said step outside and I'll get the key," said Said.

The customer was interested in this 1990 Lexus. Initially, the car would not start because a light was left on. So, Said gave it a jump and the potential buyer cranked the engine. As Said put the jumper cables aside, the customer drove off. The car left skid marks on the dirt parkway.

"Ten seconds only when I turned my face and he was gone," said Said.

At the time, Said said he had no idea the person who stole his car was only 15 years old.

"The way he came inside, black suit tie, nice looking, 20-25 years old," said Said.

The same 15-year-old is also accused of impersonating a Chicago police officer. In January, the boy walked into the third district in full police uniform, signed out a police radio, and was assigned with another officer to ride in a patrol for more than 5 hours.

Deputy Supt. Dan Dugan, who spoke out after the security breach, is the same officer who caught the teen with the stolen car last week. The boy allegedly cut in front of Dept. Supt. Duncan at the corner of 95th and State and then led him on a chase. The teen's car ran into a light pole and he was caught following a foot chase.

Dept. Supt. Dugan did not want to be interviewed for the story, but released a statement: Officers need to be vigilant during minor traffic stops because many times criminal conduct can be discovered through minor traffic enforcement.

Said, who got his damaged Lexus back with the teenager's basketball still inside, said the suspect belongs in jail.

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