A surprised Branch said "Yes" -- but not right away.
"She didn't give me an answer right away. She waited," said Crawford.
"I was in shock. I was like, 'What are you doing?' '" said Branch.
After about four minutes, one for each year they've dated, she said yes.
Crawford's knees were still shaking after the show.
"I took a big chance. I wanted to do something different, someone's never done before, where we could appreciate this for years to come," said Crawford.
How did Crawford get his blushing bride to the TV station?
"I thought we were going to see his cousin's band play on Channel 7 News," said Branch.
"It was very hard. She gave me a hard time trying to get down here, asking so many questions, but we it of at the last minute," said Crawford.
A friend, Ernest West, helped out by holding the sign, "Will you merry (sic) me Jeanetta Branch?"
Crawford joked with ABC7 that the misspelling, which he blames on his sister, might mean they should get married over the holidays. But the Chicago couple hopes for a June or July wedding in 2010.
"They are a beautiful couple… and they belong together," said West.