Summer Survival Products for You and Your Pet
Warmer weather, means more time spent outdoors, and you'll want to make sure you have the right tools to survive the dog days of summer that are quickly approaching.
Some 'summer survival' essentials include:
- Tick Key- is a keyring tick remover for people and pets. The Tick Key uses natural forward leverage to remove the entire tick head and all quickly and safely without touching or squishing even the toughest engorged ticks.
- NuHemp Omega Zapp will eliminate the odor of skunk if your dog is unlucky this summer and gets sprayed. The home remedy of using a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and dish soap to eliminate the odor is strongly discouraged because it makes your dog's skin too dry. You can also avoid a costly trip to the groomer and use this special shampoo made of all natural ingredients to rid the odor for good. Another bonus, all varieties of NuHemp shampoos are safe to use to wash your dog in a lake because they are environmentally friendly and biodegradable.
- Dog Rocks- BRAND NEW product that you put in a dogs water bowl, they help filter the water and take out the chemicals that cause dogs urine to burn your lawn.
- Dog Spot Eliminator; avoid dry and even dead patches of grass from your dog urinating in the same places by spreading Dog Spot Eliminator across your lawn and in your dogs favorite spots and watch your lawn flourish. (this is good for people who maintain an apartment or condo building, or who may not necessarily have a dog but have lot's of dogs going on their lawn etc)
- Poopy Pick Up's are what everyone should be carrying while out at the
park or walking fido at the beach. These biodegradable bags are used to pick
up pet waste and they are flushable so you will have no more plastic bags
filling up local landfills.
You'll find these products and many more on the Zeus and Company website at . The best part about Zeus and company is that they only carry all natural foods and products that are made from the highest quality ingredients and materials.
Before leaving the house make sure you've packed the 10 essentials for your pet:
- pet food
- clean water
- pet medicine
- tags with current information
- leash
- bedding first aid kit
- pets shots record and photo
- travel bowls
- poop bags
- Top travel tips:
- Never leave your pet in a vehicle unattended, it's easy for the temperature inside a car to rise to more than 100 degrees within just a few minutes
- Make sure you have the proper pet travel gear such as crates and travel harnesses
- If you're flying with your pet plan ahead. Most airlines allow only a certain number of pets per flight.
- During the summer months, pavement, rocks and sand can become too hot to handle. Keep a few sets of disposable booties on hand to protect fifi and fluffy's feet from frying.
- Does your dog enjoy going for a swim? Put a life vest on your pet even if he is just watching from inside a boat.
- Does the hotel where you're headed allow pets? Make sure it does before booking the room.
- When packing for your room in a pet-friendly hotel, dont' forget to bring along a sign to place on your door that warns "pets inside" this way hotel personnel will know to watch for animals before entering the room.
- Have a great trip!