Chicago Shoreline Marathon

August 22, 2010 Kayakers will race northward along the entire city shoreline.

Race coordinator Steve Quinn visits ABC7 with more on the event and some basic information about kayaking.


Event information: Chicago Shoreline Marathon, Saturday, August 28, 2010.

The fourth annual Chicago Shoreline Marathon is set to take place on Saturday, August 28th at 9 a.m. Starting in Calumet Harbor on the Far South Side of Chicago, competitors will race northward along the entire shoreline to Leone Beach.

The Chicago Shoreline Marathon is the only world-class race to Paddle Lake Michigan and the shores of Chicago. Our event includes a beginner relay (10 a.m. start), which will compete against the Muscle Milk Media Team (which includes ABC7's Steve Dolinsky) an 8-mile short course (11 a.m. start), which will start and finish at Leone Beach in Chicago. We are asking for donations to help support the prostate cancer foundation.

Come and cheer everyone on! A post-race celebration will be held at Leone Beach and is free and open to the public. Registration for the full marathon $75, four person relay $100 per team and 8 mile race $35; all registration fees include a t-shirt and admission into the post race dinner and award ceremony. First place winner in the 26 mile race will receive $3,000, second place $1,500 and third place winner $750. Awards will be given to the top female and top male each will receive $1,000.

For more information and to register please visit

Tips for basics of kayaking
1. Make sure you are sitting upright with good posture in the boat
2. Keep your hips loose, so the boat can rock under you
3. Keep your head up high, and upper body relaxed
4. Do not grip the paddle too tight
5. Always wear a life jacket at all times

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