Republican Kinzinger, 32, is looking to retake an area once was considered Republican territory.
The 11th District seat represents the far southwest suburbs and includes parts of eight counties across central Illinois.
While it is made up largely of small towns, the district does include Joliet and Kankakee.
Two years ago, Crete resident Debbie Halvorson benefited from a national Democratic tide as she was elected to her first term.
Air Force Captain Adam Kinzinger is confident about his chances on Election Day, hoping to breeze into Congress with a new Republican tide.
"I have a question for you guys: Are you excited about a couple Tuesdays from now?" Kinzinger asked supporters.
If recent polls are to believed, Kinzinger has a reason to be excited, the Bloomington native has a double-digit lead over Halvorson.
"I think it is important to have young people that are conservative that are bringing a new voice in a new generation to Washington D.C.," said Kinzinger.
While Kinzinger says Capitol Hill could use a fresh face, Debbie Halovorson, 52, was a fresh face two years ago. Halvorson is proud of her work for veterans and proud of her vote for the stimulus bill which Halvorson says brought the 11th District projects and jobs.
"$1.2 billion for high-speed rail from Chicago to St. Louis, two of those stops in my district, $2.2 million for a multi-modal transportation center in Bloomington-Normal," said Halvorson.
With a ballooning deficit, Kinzinger calls the $780-billion dollar stimulus package a big failure.
Like many Republicans, he says one of the keys to economic recovery is extending the Bush tax cuts for people making over $250,000 each year, something Halvorson strongly opposes.
"They have never come up with a way of how they are going to pay for that, but they are opposed to the same amount of money of how we've been able to invest in this country," said Halvorson.
"Getting people back to work is the best way to pay for tax cuts - because now you have increased revenue to the federal government, to the state government, because you have more people working again," said Kinzinger.
Kinzinger also wants to repeal the health care reform law, something Debbie Halvorson voted for.
While Kinzinger is confident he is going to win, Halvorson is not surprised the race is an uphill battle for her.
The 11th District is traditionally Republican, and this year, polls show the political climate is leaning right. Halvorson says her polls show she is gaining.