In this Intelligence Report: The president's trip to Ground Zero and the unanswered questions about Pakistan's possible role in hiding bin Laden.
Pakistan continues to deny any role in the Osama bin Laden matter. President Obama never talked about that part of the story Thursday. But he wasn't in New York for that reason. The president came to Lower Manhattan Thursday to talk not about finger pointing, but about embracing.
President Obama visited a fire station that lost 15 firefighters on 9/11.
"When we say we will never forget, we mean what we say," Pres. Obama said to the firefighters. "It's some comfort, I hope, to all of you to know that when those guys took those extraordinary risks going into Pakistan, that they were doing it in part because of the sacrifices that were made in this station. They were doing it in the name of your brothers that were lost."
"It's bittersweet thing because you know exactly how what's going on, it's not going to bring our lost ones back," said John Fila.
The president also met with New York police officers who we first on the scene of the World Trade Center attack. He placed a memorial wreath at Ground Zero and then met with 60 families of Sept. 11 victims.
"I just wanted to tell him thank you. I gave him a prayer card for my dad because I wanted to thank him for what he did," said Christopher Cannizzaro.
Obama's visit was a short break from the questions about the extent of Pakistan's role in protecting Osama bin Laden the past five years as he lived in a compound north of Islamabad.
U.S. authorities suspect that high-ranking members of Pakistan's intelligence and security service, known as ISI, may have known about bin Laden's residence.
Two Chicago men may be the missing link in explaining Pakistan's government/terrorist cabal. Beginning a week from Monday, Chicago travel agent Tahawwur Rana goes on trial at the Dirksen Federal Building on charges that he was involved in the 2008 Mumbai massacre.
Accomplice David Headley, who has already pleaded guilty, will testify that they were recruited, trained and following orders from Pakistan's spy agency, the ISI. Law enforcement sources say Headley has told a federal grand jury that he and Rana believed they were performing official espionage work for Pakistan.
Rana has pleaded not guilty.
There is evidence coming out of the compound in Pakistan indicates al-Qaida was considering the possibility of staging an attack on public transit to coincide with the upcoming 10th anniversary of 9/11.