CDC urges emergency kits for 'zombie apocalypse'

May 19, 2011

The emergency kit, the CDC says, should include several days' worth of water; food; medications; tools and supplies like a utility knife, duct tape and battery-powered radio; sanitation supplies such as towels, clothing, bedding, first aid supplies and important documents.

The CDC also urged residents to have an emergency plan in place.

"Identify the types of emergencies that are possible in your area. Besides a zombie apocalypse, this may include floods, tornadoes, or earthquakes," a blog post by the CDC's Ali S. Khan said. "Pick a meeting place for your family to regroup in case zombies invade your home…or your town evacuates because of a hurricane."

The CDC also said residents should keep a list of emergency contacts and have an idea of the quickest evacuation routes in the area.

"When zombies are hungry they won't stop until they get food (i.e., brains), which means you need to get out of town fast! Plan where you would go and multiple routes you would take ahead of time so that the flesh eaters don't have a chance!" the post says. "This is also helpful when natural disasters strike and you have to take shelter fast."

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