"The weather has not cooperated and it's so cool and damp that really a lot of other plants that people would plant now," Carol Rice said.
The cold and recent frost left workers at Gethsemane scrambling to set up screens of frost cloth that are pulled down at night to protect the flowers. To prevent damage to plants, some are covered in plastic wrap.
The number of flowers available for sale is smaller than last year, as is the number of customers.
"We could have 100 customers in this yard right now in a day in May like this but not with this weather," Rice said.
But there are those gardeners who are pressing on with their plans.. Who say they're antsy to get out in their yards and plant colorful blooms.
"Even if it keeps being cool I don't think that's gonna keep us down. I'll go out and put a tarp over my plants if I have to," Diane Bense, gardener, said.
"It's pretty tough. I'm ready for the warmth to get going with spring and summer," Chris Mann, gardener, said.
So is Gethsemane. Employees say even with a warm-up it's not likely the shop will make up for the business lost in May.