Despite the Bulls loss to the Miami Heat in Game 5 Thursday night, the series has brought a huge economic impact to the City of Chicago.
At Billy Goat Tavern at 1535 W. Madison, cheers broke among fans as the Bulls rushed out to a big first quarter lead. Fans were feeling good about theBulls' chances early on even though the team was facing tough odds in the series, having lost three in a row.
"They are going to win this. They are going to blow the Heat away," said Bulls fan Odessey Jones.
Fans at the United Center were equally confident. They watched all regular season as the Bulls played with the best record in the NBA, and they are looking for that team to re-emerge.
"I think they'll pull it out tonight, and the next game I think is going to be a bigger challenge for them but I think their heart and soul is into it, and they're going to pull it off," said Bulls fan Sarah Meneikes.
"I have two tickets to Game 7. Hopefully they will make me a happy man. Go Bulls," said Bulls fan Angelo Grant.
Aside from pride, the Bulls' success has brought economic impact. After Thursday's game, the Bulls have brought an estimated $30 million or more to Chicago. If the Bulls would have made it to Game 7, it would have brought about $50 million.
"The thing about this that's nice is that it's unexpected, it's unplanned. There's also the nice thing about it that it's been sustained so there's an emotional boost that comes with the fiscal boost," said Tim Mahon with the MDS Group.