It started around 2 a.m. when a driver in a Jaguar didn't want to stop for a roadside seatbelt check. The driver made a sudden U-turn, striking an officer from the 18th District. The officer was dragged and suffered injuries to his legs and arms.
Police fired shots and glass was shattered, but bullets did not hit the suspect. Police then chased the suspect to Princeton and 31st in Bridgeport, where it all came to an end and the suspect was arrested.
"The officer was being dragged when his partner opened fire on the vehicle to prevent further injuries to the officer. The vehicle took off from the scene, eventually was recovered at 31st and Princeton. The officer was taken to Northwestern for X-rays, suffering from injuries to his legs and his arms. The offender, we don't think he was hit. He was injured, but we think it was from flying glass," said Pat Camden, spokesman, Fraternal Order of Police.
The officer who was struck is a 19-year veteran of the force in his early 50s.