2 injured in Lockport plane crash

June 26, 2011 (LOCKPORT, Ill.)

The Cessna 210 went down near Route 53 and Airport Road. The two people onboard the plane were taken to a local hospital via MedEvac helicopter.

Lockport Fire Protection District Chief David Skoryi says the small plane was in the area of Lewis University Airport when it got entangled in power lines. The plane came down and landed next to a tree.

"We looked up and the plane couldn't have been more than 25 feet above our head on a steady downward hill, and basically we heard the initial first hit on a he tree and then we heard a crash on the power line and explode back, and by the time that was happening, we were turning the corner, first one on the scene," said witness Vince Piazza.

"There was a cable running across the top of the plane which was a phone line. We seen it moving and a passenger was, like I said, half ejected out of the plane, so you could see he was half in but half out, so it took a hit on the passenger side and he was moaning and groaning and screaming to get out of the plane and the police officer told him to hold tight because the power lines were all hot and they had to wait for ComEd to come and shut the power lines off," said witness Wayne Brown.

ComEd has restored power to the entire area around the plane crash. A Federal Aviation administration investigator arrived on the scene late Sunday afternoon.

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