Survey: Most Chicagoans follow honor system

July 19, 2011 (CHICAGO)

Many Chicagoans in Grant Park answered that question Tuesday at a booth set up by a Maryland company, Honest Tea. The company has 12 different flavors of organic tea and thirst quenchers on this second day of extreme heat.

"We are just trying to see how honest Chicago is and how honest is the rest of the country," Sophie Isacowitz, who works for Honest Tea, said.

The test is being conducted in 12 cities including Chicago. So far, it shows people are basically honest. With hidden cameras rolling, everybody paid Tuesday instead of going for a free tea grab. It's the second year for this honor system survey. And, the economy must be improving because Chicagoans are much more honest this year than last.

"Last year Chicago was only 78- percent honest. And as of right now, this year, Chicago is ninety four percent honest," Isacowitz said.

Since Chicagoans are paying up for their drinks, should the company pay for its publicity with a donation?

"I don't have the authority to say that, so I can't answer that question," said Isacowitz. But she calls her bosses and they come through.

"It's all going to be donated to charity. And we will definitely consider your favorite," Isacowitz said to ABC7's Frank Mathie.

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