A manifesto written by the self-described Norwegian terrorist included the names of some Chicagoans.
There are no sports stars, Chicago politicians or celebrities on the Norweigian's hit list. As a name-dropper, Anders Behring Breivik wasn't into popular culture. His named targets around the world and in Chicago were writers, modern philosophers and some journalists, names recognized in academic and social literature circles.
Breivik's 1,500-page manifesto went unnoticed-- until the bombs went off.
The twin attacks on Oslo's government center and a political youth group retreat were the work of a group of extremists, according to 32-year-old Breivik, who is the only person charged in last week's mass murders.
Breivik appeared in a Norway court Monday to plead not guilty, even though authorities say he has confessed.
The suspect's manifesto, "2083: A European Declaration of Independence," laid out plans for the Friday attack, during which Breivik is accused of using so-called dumdum bullets that disintegrate in the body for maximum damage.
The manifesto also reveals his planned attacks on journalists' gatherings and literature professors at conferences and festivals.
And Breivik named Chicagoans in the rambling manuscript:
"I met Nabil al-Tikriti, a professor from the University of Chicago," he writes in one section. And he cited Walid Shoebat: "When I used to work as a translator at the LUC [loyola university college] College in Chicago..." The quote appears to be lifted from somewhere on the World Wide Web.
Other direct quotes in Breivik's manifesto were lifted from 'Unabomber' Ted Kaczynski's own manifesto.
Breivik also writes about the "origin of the myth of a tolerant pluralistic Islamic society" bat ye'or, chicago.
There is no evidence the suspect was ever in Chicago.
The suspect has said he staged the bombing and youth camp rampage as "marketing" for his manifesto calling for a revolution that would rid Europe of Muslims.
Nabil al-Tikriti received his doctorate from University of Chicago in 2004. He says he never had any direct contact with the Norwegian suspect. Tikriti says the suspect quoted him from an article on a radical rightist Internet site, a site where al-Tikriti says the suspect "learned much of his ideology."