Quinn, Emanuel meet about McCormick Place

July 26, 2011 (CHICAGO)

House Speaker Mike Madigan and Mayor Rahm Emanuel were part of the group that met at the Thompson Center.

In June 2010, two unions sued the agency that runs McCormick Place, claiming the work-rule reforms violated the National Labor Relations Act. A federal judge agreed and now the case is on appeal.

Lawmakers can either wait for the court ruling, create another reforms package, or try to come to an agreement with unions at McCormick Place.

"Clearly, the most optimal thing would be negotiations, and the governor has agreed to get them back to the bargaining table, but there certainly is the potential of legislation as well," said Senate Republican leader Christine Radogno. "And there is broad agreement that we have to make sure the work rules stay in place."

Union leaders have called on officials to open up negotiations rather than trying again to impose changes.

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