His list includes everything from hundreds more police officers in high crime neighborhood to newly painted bike lanes.
"Every day I come into the office, I'm rolling up my sleeves to get the job done that I said I was going to do," Mayor Emanuel said.
During the Monday news conference, Mayor Emanuel stood next to two posters indicating he'd met all of the goals he set for himself to make in the first 100 days. His 100th day is Tuesday.
"It's not perfection. It's a level of accountability. A level both for myself and to the public and my commissioners so they know what we have to get done," Mayor Emanuel said.
Emanuel repeated his vow of a four-pronged attack on Chicago's status quo, which includes: changing the closed, often-corrupt culture of city government; stabilizing the city's finances; improving public schools; and improving public safety, especially in violence-wracked neighborhoods.
"He's been a whirling dervish in his first 100 days. He's everywhere and he's got his fingers on the pulse and his fingers in the pies of everything and I think that's the image he's trying to project," ABC7's political analyst Laura Washington said.
However, she said Mayor Emanuel still hasn't detailed three key issues: resolving the city's $635 million deficit, getting the city worker unions to cooperation and working with the city council.
"Being everywhere and doing everything doesn't necessarily mean you're accomplishing, it doesn't necessarily mean you're governing. And I'm still looking for him to do some serious governing," Washington said.
Mayor Emanuel conceded the budget is a major concern, and he plans to release information on that around October 15. But in response to a question that fiscal issues might define his administration, the mayor said he is equally concerned about education and violence against the city's children.
"Consoling a parent whose lost a child. I gotta be honest, I couldn't tell you that I think that stable finances trumps that," Mayor Emanuel said.
The mayor revealed Monday for the first time that he has telephoned the parents or family of every child who has been killed or wounded by violence in the city presumably since he's taken office.