Back to School: Nutrition

August 24, 2011 (CHICAGO)

Use for inspiration and use family favorites

Get kids involved with shopping and preparation
Shopping - use the sale papers to help guide them to options for the week and then let them choose - and let them help select their lunch bag and recipe ideas, too
Preparation - kids can help make their own lunch!

Equipment is just as important as the food choices
Reusable ice pack and thermal bag
Snap tight lids and other transportation equipment
Water bottle/Thermos

Stock up! fruits, veggies, whole grains, protein
Food safe options from all food groups
Fruits - dried, fresh, 100% juices pack well; natural applesauce
Veggies - canned individual size, fresh, frozen
Whole grains - rice, tortillas, flat breads, pasta, bread, rolls
Protein - eggs, nut butters; nuts; lean deli meat, skinless poultry, beans!
Fat free and 1% milk, low fat/fat free yogurt, lightened up versions of cheese
(better-for-you) Treat foods

Use items that are versatile; stock the kitchen with core group of foods that appeal to all ages
Stock the kitchen with a core group of foods that appeal to all ages in the household.
Complete meals and make them unique with extras (see below on accessorizing)
Think outside the bag - go non-traditional for fun and interest
3 out of 5 food groups for meals (fruits, veg, whole grain, lean protein, low fat dairy)
2 out of 5 food groups for snacks

For kids - pack ingredients separately
Pretty parfait (yogurt, whole grain cereal, and fresh cut seasonal fruit)
Banana split oatmeal (instant oatmeal with banana, cranberries, yogurt)
Peanut butter/fruit wrap or quesadilla or cracker stackers

For teens/college students
Trail mix to eat on the way to class (granola, nuts, dried fruit)
Bean and cheese quesadillas
Alternative soup on the go ( or make your own soup)

For adults
Oatmeal with dried fruit or applesauce and nuts mixed in
Caesar wrap with chicken
Burrito made with beans, cheese, medium/hot salsa, leftover or rotisserie chicken


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