Parents put up reward in Lincoln Park stabbing

September 16, 2011 (CHICAGO)

Kyles was attacked on the 1100-block of West Wrightwood almost two weeks ago.

Police believe there were a number of people at the party where Kyles was killed who have not yet come forward, but they do have information, police suspect. Family, a group of pastors, and police are coming forward to ask the public for help.

Friends, volunteers and clergy members are blanketing the Lincoln Park neighborhood where the 19-year-old was killed Labor Day weekend. The Roosevelt University sophomore was outside a back-to-school party at a home on Wrightwood, not far from the DePaul University campus, when an altercation led someone to pull out a knife and stab him.

"A young man bumped into my nephew and the altercation took place," said the victim's uncle, Rev. Renaldo Kyles.

Family members said they have been told the party was overcrowded with more than 30 guests who learned about it by text messages and Facebook. Now the family is using those same electronic forums to try to find the killer. They are offering a $5,000 reward.

"We're back and asking people if they've seen anything," said Rev. Kyles.

"There were quite a number of people out here. We know there is a possibility that somebody may have seen something. We want as many people to call as possible," said Chicago Police Commander Gary Yamashiroya.

Kyles was a musician and a writer. He recorded an album of his music. Students and teachers remember him as thoughtful, articulate and intelligent. They are devastated by his loss.

"Just a great kid, 19 years old, 3.5 GPA, was looking at getting a scholarship to Harvard, and had a focus on life, and just a terrible loss," said Rev. Kyles.

Kyles was studying philosophy at Roosevelt.

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