South Holland college football player killed in nightclub shooting

September 26, 2011(SOUTH HOLLAND,

An arrest warrant has been issued for Jason Dashaun Shern, 30, a known gang member, officials said.

Hunter is from suburban South Holland. He played football at Central State and his family says he was an outstanding athlete who stood out on and off the field with his outgoing personality.

"His presence in a room, you knew he was there. He was a talented, tremendous athlete. He could do all the things I could never do. So he was just a special, special kid," Kevin Hunter, Sr., victim's father, said.

Hunter was one of around 200 students from Central State University who took charter buses to the A-List Lounge, which was promoting a college night. Dayton police say a fight broke out inside the nightclub and a man who was escorted outside fired a gun into the club's front window. Hunter was hit by a bullet in the abdomen.

"Anytime you go to a club, if you put locals and college students together, there's usually some type of incident. And the club owner should have been aware of that," Hunter said.

"The suspect in question is 30-years old. There's no reason for him to be in that environment with college kids, period," Kevin Hunter, Jr., victim's brother.

Hunter was a starting defensive back on the football team. Saturday's game against the University of Dayton was dedicated to him.

His parents say he was re-gaining his footing after transferring there last year and missing out on a season of football. His mother, Kim, is a Chicago public high school counselor. She said she tells her students that college can be a safe place.

"That is my message to all of the students I work with: college is the way out, and now I'm at a loss," Kim Hunter said.

Dayton police implemented a Safe Bars program in which police are alerted when establishments hold a promotion to help keep the area safe. Police say the club where Hunter was did alert police and is under investigation.

Hunter's family is considering legal actions against the club, which was allegedly double the maximum capacity.

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