'Shield' Yourself from a Cell Phone Radiation Scam

September 28, 2011 (PRESS RELEASE)

These shields claim to protect cell phone users from the cancer causing waves emitting from their phones. The Better Business Bureau serving Chicago and northern Illinois (BBB) is warning consumers to be on the lookout for these shields and advising them to turn to free options when looking to limit exposure to cell phone electromagnetic emissions.

Like many other too good to be true products, there is no scientific proof that these shields are actually effective. While it is always good to protect yourself from potentially harmful emissions, there are other ways to do it besides investing in a shield for your cell phone. The Federal Trade Commission http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/alerts/alt109.shtm also notes that these shields may interfere with your cell phone's reception.

Steve J. Bernas, president & CEO of the Better Business Bureau serving Chicago and northern Illinois said, "It's important for consumers to do their research before investing in any new technological product. More times than not, victims will end up with a faulty goods."

The BBB advises consumers to consider these free options for limiting cell phone electromagnetic emissions:

Go hands free. When chatting on the phone for long periods of time consider using a hands-free device, like an earpiece or the speakerphone. For short conversations, texting the message allows for a quick response and keeps the phone away from your head.

Wait for a good signal. When you have a weak signal, your phone works harder, emitting more radiation. Phones also give off more radiation when transmitting than when receiving, so tilt the phone away from your head when you're talking, and bring it back to your ear when you're listening.

Shop around. When looking for a new cell phone, consider investing in one that has a low specific absorption rate (SAR) before you buy. Measured in watts per kilogram of tissue, the SAR reveals how much radiation the body absorbs while using the mobile device. The Federal Communications Commission has record of this information for phones that were made in the last two years. You can find the FCC ID number on the inside of your cell phone's case. Legally, in the US, a phone can't emit more than 1.6 watts per kilogram.

"As we become increasingly dependant on cell phone use, it's critical that people take the appropriate precautions in order to better protect their wallet and health," added Bernas. For more information on cell phone emissions, visit bbb.org

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