At one point, he was diagnosed with DeNovo Autoimmune Hepatitis.
Now 19 years old, Haleem is studying at Benedictine University in Lisle, and he wants to help others who face similar health issues. Haleem and his family started the non-for-profit Miracles Made Thru Research organization, which helps fund research to find a cure for DeNovo Autoimmune Hepatitis.
On Saturday, October 22, the foundation is holding its third bowling benefit at Orland Bowl in Orland Park, and all proceeds will be donated to Children's Memorial Hospital.
Ibrahim and Yasmeen Haleem, who are the president and vice president of the Miracles Made Thru Research organization, joined us in our ABC7 studio to talk about the event.
Miracles Made Thru Research Bowling Benefit
Saturday, October 22
9 p.m.
Orland Bowl
8601 W. 159th Street
Orland Park
Cost: $30, Dinner Included