Beaten WWII vet faces alleged attackers

August 14, 2012 (CHICAGO)

Cross is mending slowly. He has more neurological tests to undergo, and he's waiting on new hearing aids and dentures after he was beaten and robbed a couple weeks ago.

"I'm not angry at nobody," Cross said. "I don't have that in my blood to be angry at people. I'll let the law take care of that."

Tuesday the 88-year-old World War II Navy vet had to go to court and for the first time saw two of the three young men who are accused of attacking him.

Cross says he paid no attention to them. The judge found probable cause to move the case forward.

To be blindsided, punched and knocked to the ground has shaken Cross in many ways. At the same time, what has followed has been quite gratifying.

"There's a whole lot of nice people who don't even know me who scent cards," he said. "The world has good people."

It does help the healing, the calls, the cards, the simple recognition to a man who served his country. For a family still shaken, it helps.

"Just because this happened to my father we don't think the whole world is devils," said Cross' daughter, Cynthia Stewert-Jones. "We know we have a world with devils in it."

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