Connections for the Homeless campaign | Oceanique recipes

August 5, 2013 (CHICAGO)

Local retailers throughout Evanston have signed up to participate and will be donating 5% of their sales from four Tuesdays this August to support programs that provide jobs training skills and help find jobs for the unemployed. Among those participating is Oceanique restaurant. Chef Mark Grosz shows a few dishes the restaurant is serving up during the campaign.

505 Main Street
(847) 864-3435

About Connections for the Homeless:

Connections is working to end homelessness by preventing people from losing their homes, housing those who are homeless, and helping each client to reach the greatest possible level of self-sufficiency. Programs include re-housing, employment, homelessness prevention, and health services for the homeless. Hilda's Place is Connections' transitional shelter. Based in Evanston, Connections serves 31 communities in north suburban Cook County. For more information, please visit their website at:

About the YWCA Evanston/North Shore

The YWCA Evanston-North Shore's mission to eliminate racism and empower women has been put into practice in the Evanston-North Shore community since 1931. Today, the YWCA Evanston-North Shore focuses on ending violence against women and children; nurturing women's economic empowerment and leadership; fostering racial, gender and economic equity; and empowering youth through swimming. For more information, please visit their website at:

About Youth Job Center of Evanton:

The Youth Job Center's mission is to prepare youth, ages 14-25, for success in the workplace. The YJC provides job-readiness, job-placement, and employment support in partnership with employers. Though the YJC has a number of programs including a satellite office at Evanston Township High School, the overarching goal of every initiative is to put youth on the pathway leading to career and life long success. For more information, please visit their website at

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