2 staffers removed from Rogers Park's Jordan Elementary for alleged misconduct

September 12, 2013 (CHICAGO)

Jordan Elementary Community School is in turmoil after allegations of misconduct force the removal of a teacher and an assistant principal.

"I've heard it's a second grade teacher and it's scaring the crap out of me because my child's in second grade," said Yolanda Shanklin, parent.

Shanklin says she and other parents learned about the investigation into the incident from school officials. Parents say the school's principal told them Thursday morning that two female staffers, a 2nd grade teacher and an assistant principal, were taken out of the building Wednesday night for alleged inappropriate conduct with minors.

"I couldn't believe it. Oh my god, this is impossible. She's the best, one of the best," said China Davis, parent.

Ruth Longsworth said she first heard rumors about inappropriate touching, language and texting this past May during last school year. That's when she says she confronted both the teacher allegedly involved and the principal.

"He told me there was an investigation done and the allegations were false. I left it alone because I felt I worked within the school system to raise my concerns," said Ruth Longsworth, parent.

In a statement Chicago Public School officials said, "CPS is reassigning both employees away from the classroom pending the outcome of our investigation."

That's not good enough for parents like this woman, who is now considering moving her 8-year-old son to another school.

"These teachers should have been removed from the school. They should not have still had access to our children in no form or fashion," said a parent who did not wish to be identified by name.

School officials will only confirm the removal of the two female staffers. They would not discuss the details of the allegations or the investigation.

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