"Winamp.com and associated web services will no longer be available past December 20, 2013. Additionally, Winamp Media players will no longer be available for download," the Winamp website says. "Thanks for supporting the Winamp community for over 15 years."
The latest version will be available for download for another month, the site said.
The company stopped updating its blog a year ago, and its Twitter account @Winamp has been silent more than a month.
Winamp was created by Nullsoft in 1997 as a community-supported media player by Justin Frankel. Nullsoft was bought by AOL in 1999 after the success of Winamp, online radio station player SHOUTcast, and open-source file-sharing program Gnutella.
In announcing the release of the latest version, Winamp 5.66 Build 3507, on Wednesday, Winamp revealed it would be the last release.
"A big thank you to all our users, former team members, beta testers, moderators, translators, skinners, plugin developers, preset & color theme designers, community members, everyone... for everything," a Winamp forum post said, adding, "placeholder for full changelog etc - too sad to do it right now"
One user commented, "A life without Winamp is not a life."
When asked about an impending scheduled update and whether it would be canceled, an administrator in the forum replied, "hopefully not, is still on my list of things to complete as part of the v5.66 release."