New Fulton Market neighborhood sculpture spotlights children as the hope for a peaceful world

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Tuesday, September 25, 2018
New Fulton Market sculpture spotlights children as the hope for a peaceful world
Artist Jeffrey Breslow installs 'Play for Peace' at 1015 W. Fulton Market, Chicago.

CHICAGO (WLS) -- A new and colorful art installation in Chicago's Fulton Market neighborhood may put a spotlight on children, but it's meant to serve as a reminder for adults.

"Grownups please, let's learn to try to get along as children," said artist Jeffrey Breslow. "Then, when we grow up this world will be filled with peace, harmony and love," Breslow adds.

Breslow is a Chicago artist who created and installed the new sculpture entitled "Play for Peace" along the curb at 1015 W. Fulton Market. It now stands in front of his gallery and across the street from Google.

The 13 foot by 12 foot metal sculpture features nine colorful life-size silhouettes of kids at play. The children symbolize hope for a peaceful world.

It's the second in a series for Breslow who introduced the sculpture at ArtPrize in Grand Rapids, Michigan in September 2017.

This is Breslow's second career. He started out as leading toy designer. He has lived and worked as a sculptor in the Fulton Market neighborhood for more than 10 years.

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