Man creates homemade coronavirus social distancing device to illustrate how far to stand away from others

Monday, April 6, 2020
Man creates device to help illustrate social distancing amid coronavirus pandemic
Are you unsure of how far you should stand away from someone during the COVID-19 crisis? One man has the solution!

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -- It's not easy to visualize exactly how far six feet of distance really is, which is how far health officials say you should be from others during the COVID-19 crisis.

So one Michigan man, with help from his wife Molly, created a social distancing device out of some common household items to serve as a visual representation of what that distance looks like.

"These are tent poles. I duct tape these together. It's about 40 feet in circumference and it's a lot of duct tape," Kuhnle told WXMI.

He took to his hometown streets of Rocford, running the sidewalks around town to make sure people are aware of what the proper distance is to protect yourself and those around you.

"People immediately knew what this was and it was social distancing, I didn't have to say much," Kuhnle said.

The most common reaction is laughter, and most take out thier phones to snap a photo of him and his device, but Kuhnle said he loves spreading those smiles.

"I love everyone's reaction to the video. It's all been positive, everyone's laughing, it's one thing I feel strongly about; that I was created to bring joy to people and that's what it seems to be doing," Kuhnle said.

While this is something to take very seriously, Kuhnle said there is nothing wrong with sharing a few laughs during these tough times.

"It's fun to laugh at something that's serious. I don't know, I'm a peacemaker at heart, so I like to take confrontational things [on]," Kuhnle said.