Lake Park HS football coach removed after investigation into allegations that volunteer coach was registered sex offender

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Friday, November 8, 2019
Lake Park High School head varsity football coach Chris Roll has been removed from the position for failing to follow the criminal background check process.

ROSELLE, Ill. (WLS) -- Lake Park High School head varsity football coach Chris Roll has been removed from the position for failing to follow the criminal background check process.

The school district was investigating why a criminal background check wasn't conducted on a volunteer football coach at the beginning of the season. There are allegations that the volunteer coach, who the district has declined to name, is a registered sex offender.

The investigation found the volunteer coach had a criminal record for a sex offense in 1992.

While Roll will be removed as football coach, he will be allowed to return to his teaching position. He has been with Lake Park High School for over 20 years.

The school district requires criminal background checks and fingerprinting of all volunteers in athletics and after-school activities.

Head coaches are required to submit a roster of volunteer and paid coaches to the human resources and athletic departments, authorizing background checks.

The school's principal and athletic director were also placed on administrative leave. The district in Roselle will recommend disciplinary action for them.