Crowned lemur born at Lincoln Park Zoo clings to mom

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Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Crowned lemur born at Lincoln Park Zoo clings to mom(Lincoln Park Zoo)
Lincoln Park Zoo

CHICAGO (WLS) -- The Lincoln Park Zoo welcomed a new member to its family this week. A crowned lemur was born at the zoo on April 17.

Zoo officials do not yet know the sex of the baby lemur, how long it is or how much it weighs. The newborn's mother, Tucker, is keeping the animal very close to her. But officials said this behavior is welcomed.

"The infant is holding tight to mother and regularly nursing which is exactly what we'd hope to see," said Maureen Leahy, Curator of Primates, Lincoln Park Zoo.

Tucker and the baby lemur's father, Sokkwi, were paired to breed as part of the Crowned Lemur Species Survival Plan, which manages threatened or endangered species. The International Union for Conservation of Nature said crowned lemurs, which are native to Madagascar, are endangered due to forest loss.

Tucker and Sokkwi have had seven offspring. Three of them were born at Lincoln Park Zoo: two-year-old Sava, one-year-old Volana and the newborn.

Guests can visit the entire troop at the Helen Brach Primate House every day between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.

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