Newsviews: Affordable Care Act enrollment

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Sunday, October 22, 2017
Newsviews Part 1: Enrolling in Affordable Care Act
Open enrollment for health coverage under the Affordable Care Act begins in less than two weeks.

CHICAGO (WLS) -- Open enrollment for health coverage under the Affordable Care Act begins in less than two weeks.

But with all the talk about repealing, replacing and ending subsidies, consumers may be confused.

Are they required to buy coverage, what will it cost and where can they get help in sorting out all of their questions?

Even the time people have to purchase a plan has changed this year.

Helping to sort things out with Jennifer Hammer, director of the Illinois Department of Insurance.

Get free help at GetCovered.Illinois.Gov or (866) 311-1119.

Part 1:

Open enrollment for health coverage under the Affordable Care Act begins in less than two weeks.

Part 2:

Open enrollment for health coverage under the Affordable Care Act begins in less than two weeks.