Man dies in Chicago Lawn fire

BySun-Times Media Wire
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

CHICAGO -- A man who died after being injured in a fire Tuesday afternoon in the Chicago Lawn neighborhood on the Southwest Side has been identified.

Fire crews responded to a blaze at 12:22 p.m. on the first floor of a two-story home in the 3200 block of West 61st Street, Chicago Fire Department Cmdr. Frank Velez said. The fire was put out 25 minutes later.

Refugio Pueble, thought to be in his 50s, was taken to Holy Cross Hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 1:19 p.m., according to the Cook County medical examiner's office.

Pueble lived in the same block as the fire.

The home sustained significant damage, Velez said.

Preliminary results from the investigation indicate the fire was started through "careless use of smoking materials" and there were no smoke detectors in the house, according to Fire Media Affairs.

Source: Sun-Times Media Wire - Copyright Chicago Sun-Times 2016.)