From Lake Street to Madison, State Street turned into what can only be described as half street fest, half block party. Even if it did get off to a somewhat soggy start.
"It feels so good. You look at the crowd out here and even with the weather and it's still like this," said David Coffin.
WATCH: Mark Rivera shows off juggling skills

Mark Rivera shows off juggling skills at 'Sunday on State'
Sundays on State will run for eight weeks with a couple of breaks, including one for Lollapalooza weekend.
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The free block party features art, culture, active recreation, food and drink, shopping and local attractions.
"We wanted to do something big and exciting that would bring everyone back downtown to celebrate," said Jessica Cape with the Chicago Loop Alliance. "The loop, specifically, went through a lot because the businesses here rely on the office population and they were not coming down."
The goal is get people back to the Loop, which over the last 15 months saw business come to a complete standstill as people worked from home. Even now, only about a third of office workers are back in the area that relies heavily on them for survival.
"Pedestrian activity is approaching 60% of normal, so that's good news, but again not back to normal so we're really hoping Sunday's on state can inspire people to come downtown," Cape said
SEE ALSO: Things to do in Chicago: Festivals, events happening around city
Zach Schlieder has not been on State Street since his office closed up at the start of the pandemic.
"I was working down here and now I am working from home still so it's cool to get back here and see what is happening," Schlieder said.
He is among the many happy to see more action in the Loop this weekend and hopeful it is part of a comeback.
"I do not go to the Loop unless I have to but I think seeing more people around here makes it kinda better for that," he added.
For the vendors it's an opportunity to showcase their work and to support the city.
Oksana Ambroze-Tryctha will be showing off her hemp-made linens for every one of the eight weeks Sundays on State will be running. Sylvia Moore said that showcasing her vintage jewelry is about more than just business. It's personal.
"I wanted to help bring back the luster of State Street," said Moore. "I ride the bus every day down State Street and I even miss going to a lot of the locations. I'm just happy to be down here."
Among the dozens of performers is CircEsteem, a Chicago youth circus.
CircEsteem among live 'Sundays on State' performers
Berwyn mom Krystal Muñoz said she has not been downtown since before the pandemic began.
This is our first time and I have a COVID baby. He was born in 2020. So this is his first time in the city," said Muñoz
Sundays on State runs from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. on July 18, July 25 and Aug. 8, 22 and 29.
First 'Sundays on State' event kicks of this weekend
Those who register to attend Sundays on State at will be automatically entered for a chance to win a $1,000 Loop staycation package.
Performance Schedule - Lake-Randolph
11 a.m. Cabinet of Curiosity
Noon Sweet Kay Bluegrass
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1 p.m. Laughing Heart
2 p.m. DJ Seasonal Frequency
3 p.m. Freelance Wrestling performance
5 p.m. Paint the City Xperience
6 p.m. Freelance Wrestling performance
7 p.m. Millar Brass Band
Performance Schedule - Washington-Madison (on stage)
11 a.m. Bikram Yoga Chicago class
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12:30 p.m. The Joffrey Ballet Academy and Community Engagement Extension students
2 p.m. The South Side Jazz Coalition
3:30 p.m. The Chicago Chorus Girl Project
4 p.m. Porchlight Music Theatre
5:30 p.m. Trinity Academy of Irish Dance
7 p.m. Soulphonetics (DJs)
For more information on the festivities, visit