Hosted by Stacey Baca, The Ñ Beat is an Emmy Award-winning series of special programs produced by ABC 7 Chicago, which offers a rich tapestry of stories highlighting the contributions of Chicago's vibrant Latino community.
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The half-hour program will air on ABC 7 Chicago, at 11 p.m. Sunday, October 4. An encore of the program will run again at 4:30 p.m. on October 18.
ABC7's Stacey Baca hosts the show from the National Museum of Mexican Art in Pilsen. Correspondents include ABC7's Tanja Babich, Rob Elgas, Michelle Gallardo, Mark Rivera and Yukare Nakayama.
The Ñ Beat examines the profound impact COVID-19 has had on Chicago's Latino community. While the Latino population comprises 29% of the city's population, it accounts for more than 40% of the diagnosed COVID-19 cases. The program examines some of the factors contributing to this disproportionate infection rate and explores what's being done to mitigate the problem.
ABC 7 Chicago celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month in 'Ñ Beat' special
During the special, we hear from doctors and nurses who take up the fight against COVID-19 including the work of the group Illinois Unidos, where local Latinx experts joined together, to offer key COVID information and resources for the community.
The show also looks at the critical ways Esperanza Health Centers have provided invaluable services such as testing in parking lots, a COVID-19 triage hotline and Telehealth nurses. We'll hear the dramatic story of how one Telehealth nurse practitioner, Veronica Galvalisi, sprang into action speaking Spanish over the phone to help save a life. For more information on Esperanza's COVID-19 relief fund, click here.
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The Ñ Beat will also explore COVID-19 in the workplace and how ARISE Chicago is playing a key role in advocating for workers who believe they are being subjected to unsafe working conditions.
Then, through his stunning photos, Pilsen photographer Mateo Zapata captures the plight of essential workers at their jobs, in the midst of the pandemic.
COVID-19 has caused unemployment in the Latino community to skyrocket. The Ñ Beat looks at how the Pilsen Food Pantry, launched by University of Illinois at Chicago's Dr. Evelyn Figueroa, helps fill a huge need in the community.
The Ñ Beat: Artist Marco Rios
After recent protests erupted across the nation, many cities were hit with riots and looting, Chicago artist Marco Rios used a boarded-up store as a canvas, to spread a message of hope and unity. In June, he was commissioned by AT&T, to turn the boards, into several beautiful murals.
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The National Museum of Mexican Art's Senior Citizen program, "Viva la Vida," pivoted to being a virtual Friday art class, in order to stay engaged with their patrons while their doors are closed. We hear from two seniors who express their feelings about the Zoom art class and how it remains the highlight of their weeks.
"The Ñ Beat" is produced by Holly Grisham and Justyna Syska.
The Ñ Beat: Viva la Vida
Windy City LIVE will feature a story about Latina breast cancer survivors from the group "Ellas" in the Pilsen neighborhood, who knit "knockers" for women who have had mastectomies, at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 6 on ABC 7. Val Warner and Ryan Chiaverini host ABC 7's Windy City LIVE.
"The Ñ Beat" is available on-demand at