"While this is not a decision I enter into lightly, we must send an unambiguous message: we strongly condemn all actions by the Putin regime.," the mayor said in a statement.
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On Monday,, more than a dozen city council members asked the Department of Special Events to sever ties with Moscow by removing it's sister city status.
RELATED: Chicago aldermen ask to revoke Moscow's sister city status after Russian invasion of Ukraine
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"If there is ever a time for us to step out of our municipal role it's at a time when the third largest military in the world, a nuclear superpower, is engaging in what can only be described as state sponsored terrorism," said 2nd Ward Alderman Brian Hopkins.
Here is the mayor's full statement:
"In light of recent events and upon reflection over these last few days, I believe that Chicago needs to go further in its definitive actions against Russia. That is why yesterday, I directed World Business Chicago to suspend Chicago's sister city relationship with Moscow. While this is not a decision I enter into lightly, we must send an unambiguous message: we strongly condemn all actions by the Putin regime. This suspension will be upheld until the end of hostilities against Ukraine and the Putin regime is held accountable for its crimes. We must continue to support freedom-loving people everywhere and ordinary Russians in their desire to be free."