Back-to-school tech shopping tips

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Sunday, August 23, 2015
Back-to-school tech shopping
Do you think your back-to-school shopping is done?

CHICAGO (WLS) -- Do you think your back-to-school shopping is done? You may have missed a few key items that will set students up for success in today's screen-rich world.

Brian Puerling is Director of Education Technology at Catherine Cook School in Old Town. He's here to tell us about the back-to-school supplies you didn't know you needed.


1. The iPad - While it may be a hefty investment, all its capabilities certainly make it a worthwhile one. The device is intuitive, with an extensive app network, and this education tool will serve so many purposes - from entertainment to organization.

To enhance your child's iPad experience, don't forget the accessories:

  • Flexible mount to elevate the iPad off the table and encourage healthier posture

  • Durable case that covers the screen when not in use and protects the device if dropped

  • Bluetooth keyboard for greater functionality when needed

2. Apps - Equip your child's iPad with apps to help them practice the skills they'll learn at school. Look for settings that allow you to adjust the complexity level so you can individualize the technology for your student. Some go-to apps to encourage creativity are:

  • Drawing Pad: Great for drawing and sketching at any age. Available in iTunes, Nook, Android/Google Play, and Amazon App Store for Android.

  • Educreations: iTunes and web-based website that allows students to connect with educators on any platform.

  • DoInk apps - 'Green Screen' and 'Illustrated Animation' are inexpensive apps used for green screen video creation with images, video clips and animation. For the time being, these apps are only available in iTunes.

3. Headphones - Help your child stay focused with a quality set of headphones. These are great for audio and video editing, keeping up with audiobooks, watching informative videos (such as Ted Talks) and listening to calming music (Classical, for example) while studying.

4. GoPro Camera - For the visual learner, this device provides extremely high-quality video recording for action/movement shots. At Catherine Cook, some of our first graders wore the GoPro camera during a field trip to an apple orchard. The footage was then compiled and edited by their teacher in iMovie and shared with the entire school at an assembly.

5. LiveScribe Smartpen - For the student who needs to constantly refer back to his notes, he can now take notes and audio record lessons all with his own pen. This device allows users to review and store written notes both on paper and electronically.

6. SD Card - Teach your children to always save their work! An SD card is a must-have for storing class notes, important papers, class projects, high-quality video and audio files, such as those recorded on a DSLR camera or Go Pro Camera.

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