You Know You're in Chicago When...

Wednesday, May 14, 2014
...the hot dogs have more tomatoes on them than your hometown pizza
...the baseball team that hasn't won a World Series in over a century is just as, if not more popular than the team that won the pennant 8 years ago have enough material to create an Indicted Politicians Trading Cards set're grateful for the speed bumps because they're easier on your car than the potholes often hear ''improv classes'' described as part of a long-term career plan primarily hear this woman referred to as Jay Cutler's wife. We hear she used to be on a reality TV show hear more about Chief Keef's rap sheet than his rap music
One word: Dibs ask for directions to the Willis Tower. You're matter-of-factly given directions to the Sears Tower
...the lines and smells from Garrett's popcorn take over downtown, especially in summer
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You Know You're in Chicago When......the hot dogs have more tomatoes on them than your hometown pizza
Left: AP. Right: WABC-TV New York

CHICAGO -- If someone dropped you in the middle of Chicago and you had no idea where you were, these are ways you could absolutely be sure you were in The Second City (aside from the giant Sears Tower dominating most vantage points).