
Mike Madigan trial live updates: McClain's defense wraps up closing arguments

Trial lasting months

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Last updated: Tuesday, January 28, 2025 11:26PM GMT
McClain's defense wraps up closing arguments in corruption trial
Madigan's co-defendant Michael McClain's defense gave closing arguments Tuesday in the corruption trial of the former IL speaker.

CHICAGO (WLS) -- The corruption trial for former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan continues.

Madigan had been indicted on federal racketeering and bribery charges as a part of what federal prosecutors call "the Madigan enterprise," where they say he allegedly committed crimes for his personal gain and that of his political allies.

The blockbuster trial has taken several months.

Check back with ABC7 Chicago for live updates.

Michelle Gallardo Image
Feb 10, 2025, 4:30 PM GMT

McClain's defense finishes closing as court ends Tuesday

McClain's defense finished closing arguments at the end of the day Tuesday.

While McClain has already been convicted for his role in the ComEd scheme at a separate trial nearly two years ago, the jury does not know this. Though, they may wonder why he is not charged in the ComEd-related counts contained within the indictment.

What they have seen and heard over the course of the last three months is a mountain of government exhibits, including wiretapped phone calls and meetings, where McClain aggressively pushed to get Madigan's alleged requests approved.

The government will conduct its rebuttal Wednesday, after which the jury will begin their deliberations.

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Feb 10, 2025, 4:30 PM GMT

McClain's defense says trial about lobbying, politics

Co-defendant Mike McClain's defense attorney said this trial is about lobbying and politics during closing arguments Tuesday.

McClain is charged in only six of the 23 counts.

Patrick Cotter highlighted that there is no key evidence that supports the government's theory that there was bribery and conspiracy.

"The government's math still doesn't add up," he said.

Cotter maintains that the government's case relies a lot on "unproven speculation" and assumption.

He argued that McClain was not involved in a "this-for-that exchange" for official actions by Madigan on legislation that ComEd and AT&T supported.

What McClain was doing was lobbying, not bribery, Cotter said.

"He was doing what he understood was his legal job," he said.

Cotter pointed out that some of the ComEd summer internships and job recommendations were not accepted or guaranteed.

Cotter also cast doubt over Fidel Marquez's credibility by saying that he lied to his ex-wife, to the government and to the jury.

He said legislation passed due to McClain's lobbying efforts, coalitions, political sense, negotiations and merit.

And he said not to rely on former Alderman-turned-government-mole Danny Solis' testimony.

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Feb 10, 2025, 4:30 PM GMT

Fire alarm goes off in courthouse

The fire alarm went off at the courthouse Tuesday, but everyone was safe.

Court resumed after a break.

Feb 10, 2025, 4:30 PM GMT

McClain's defense begins closing arguments

Former Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan's co-defendant Michael McClain's defense began closing arguments Tuesday.

The jury began hearing defense attorney Patrick Cotter's closing arguments on Tuesday morning.