Students suspended over Snapchat rant following argument

Monday, April 13, 2015
Students suspended over Snapchat rant over argument
Two Houston area high school students were suspended after a Snapchat post

HOUSTON -- What your child does on their cell phone could put them at risk at school. Here's how Snapchatting turned into school suspensions for two young girls.

After an argument at school with other students, two cousins vented about their feelings after school at home on the video sharing app Snapchat.

"I thought what they did at school was wrong, so I decided to make a video," said freshman Tyonna Jones.

Users can only view a video on Snapchat once, then it disappears. But other students recorded the video and showed the school principal at Kipp Sunnyside High School in southwest Houston. The girls say they were suspended.

"She shouldn't have even gotten in trouble, shouldn't have even went to this point," said Jones' mother, Tonya Andres.

We have only seen two of the three videos made by the girls. In the two videos, no student names or schools are mentioned.

Student Dari'on Blanchard said he is frustrated by the punishment.

"It's not fair because if they're gonna expel one of us they should expel all of us. We all made videos," he said.

But administrators say the videos the girls made are considered threatening against a classmate.

Blanchard's mother Sheree Jones said she wishes the school principal handled the situation differently,

"Yes, she did say she made it out of being mad because what was coming back at her. But when she made the video it was not dictated that she was sending it to the girls she was in the argument with," Sheree Jones said.

"I feel that the principal and the teacher should have gave me a call about what was going on at school, and we all could have come together and corrected what was going on," Andres said.

A warning for students from social media expert Ashley Small - she says just because you are online and not at school, doesn't mean you are safe from punishment.

"A lot of administrators will go to social media and see what was the originator of the conflict, and oftentimes it is starting online," Small said.

School administrators say the girls will return to school Wednesday after their three-day suspension is completed.