
Allegations against fired Fenton High School staff member date back to 2011, superintendent says

Monday, March 25, 2024
BENSENVILLE, Ill. (WLS) -- Our coverage of this story has moved here.

There has been major fallout since Wednesday's fiery school district meeting in suburban Bensenville.

In an effort of transparency, Fenton Community High School District 100 Superintendent James Ongtengco sent a letter to the school community on Saturday, detailing several tips and misconduct allegations against a now-former Fenton High School staffer.
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The staffer was fired earlier this week.

The newly released timeline from the school district confirmed that allegations span over a decade, dating back to 2011.

Similar allegations were also reported later, including one in 2016, which the district said was unfounded after being investigated by the Department of Child and Family Services.

After ABC7's report, a spokesperson from DCFS told ABC7 the agency was not involved with the Fenton High School investigation as described in the timeline provided by Fenton Community High School District 100.

SEE ALSO | Fenton High School in Bensenville cancels classes after threats made days after staffer fired

The district said last September a former student contacted a teacher, stating she was sexually abused by the staff member when she was at Fenton High School.

That teacher then contacted police, and the staff member was placed on administrative leave.

"My heart aches for the victims of this administration's negligence," said parent Andrea Vallone.

On Wednesday, parents and students called for the superintendent and other district leaders to resign over how the allegations have been handled.
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"My heart is broken watching the response of this board to the pain - pain that this community is suffering. I employ you, I am begging you, please change the way you are responding to this crisis while they were still time for healing," said Fenton Education Association President Patrick Escobedo.

"You swept under the rug for so many years, and you kept this predator walking our hallways for so many years without taking any action," one parent said.

A young woman, whose face ABC7 blurred, said she was a victim of the fired staffer. She painfully addressed the board earlier this week.

"You failed to support me and other young girls who are assaulted and groomed by a monster that you protected, empowered and promoted as a community hero," she said. "I would never wish what I have experienced on anyone, and I pray that none of your daughters have not and do not suffer the karma from your atrocious involvement in this predator's behavior."

The superintendent said this is an ongoing criminal investigation and that the focus now must be on healing, rebuilding trust and stability for their school community

At this point, no criminal charges have been filed against the former staffer.

Full timeline released by superintendent:

  • December 16, 2011 - Teacher reported to administration that the staff member in question was sending inappropriate text messages to a student in their class. Administration investigation included interviews with the student and the student's family. The staff member in question was issued a disciplinary letter.

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  • May 22, 2012 - Teacher overheard a conversation among students and reported to administration potential inappropriate communication between students and the staff member in question via social media. Administration interviewed students and their parents. The staff member in question was issued a second disciplinary letter and mandated to attend personal conduct training.

  • December 1, 2016 - Anonymous tip was sent to administration via the school website regarding the staff member in question alleging the individual was engaged in a sexual relationship with a student. Administration referred this incident to the School Resource Officer, Department of Child Family Services (DCFS), and the DuPage Children's Center. The incident was thoroughly investigated and the allegations were determined to be unfounded by all agencies involved. All parties involved denied the information provided in the anonymous tip.

  • March 8, 2023 - Anonymous tip was sent to administration via the school website regarding the staff member in question alleging the individual engaged in a sexual relationship with the previously reported former students from 2011 and 2016. Administration referred this incident to the School Resource Officer (SRO) and DCFS. The SRO spoke with the former students and they both stated that no inappropriate conduct occurred. All parties involved denied the information provided in the anonymous tip.

  • May 19, 2023 - Anonymous tip was sent to administration via the school website regarding the staff member in question alleging the individual engaged in a sexual relationship with the same two former students first reported on March 8, 2023. Administration referred this incident to the School Resource Officer and DCFS.

  • August 19, 2023 - Anonymous tip was sent to administration via the school website regarding the staff member in question alleging the individual engaged in a sexual relationship with the same two former students that were previously reported. Administration referred this incident to the School Resource Officer and DCFS. Administration received a letter from the DuPage Children's Center stating that this incident had already been investigated and was determined to be unfounded in 2016. The SRO spoke with the former students and the students stated that no inappropriate conduct occurred.

  • September 29, 2023 - A teacher was called by one of the former students that was previously reported anonymously and stated that she was a victim of sexual abuse by the staff member in question when she was attending Fenton Community High School. As a mandated reporter, the teacher provided this information to school administration. The teacher and administrator went to the Bensenville Police Department to provide a detailed report of what was stated by the former student. The District immediately placed the staff member in question on administrative leave, which included revoking the individual's ability to access school grounds, email, and other technology.

  • October 3, 2023 - Former student filed a report with the Bensenville Police Department.

  • December 4, 2023 - Anonymous tip was sent to administration via the school website regarding the staff member in question alleging that he had inappropriate interactions with three students, one who had already been reported. Administration emailed the information to the Bensenville Police Department along with contact information from the anonymous source.

Fenton Community High School District provided an updated timeline on Monday, March 25, 2024.
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