Ed Burke, Chicago's longest-serving alderman, to report to prison Monday to serve sentence

Burke is expected to serve at federal prison in Terre Haute, Indiana
Monday, September 23, 2024 5:14AM CT
CHICAGO (WLS) -- Ed Burke, Chicago's longest-serving alderman, will head to prison Monday. .

Burke will be saying goodbye to family and friends Monday as he is expected to head to a federal prison in Terre Haute, Indiana to fulfill a two year sentence.

Burke, a Chicago alderman for 54 years, from 1969 to 2023, was the longest to serve in that position in history.

He was seen as confident during countless investigations, indictment and trial,

But that came to a halt when a jury found him guilty of racketeering and bribery by using his position as alderman to extort private legal work from city contractors.

ABC 7 Political Analyst Laura Washington says the two-year sentence and $2 million fine was a minimal response from the court.

"I don't know what kind of message that sends," Washington said. "I think the message it could send is when you are that powerful and you have so many friends in high places it can help you, even when you have to go to prison because the prison sentence was relatively light."

Terre Haute has been the prison home to other corrupt Chicago political figures including ex-Illinois Governor George Ryan, who spent more than five years in the facility.

Prison officials in Terre Haute won't confirm the details of prison assignments nor the timing of when Burke shows up.

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